Home of the GoGain App
You've heard of GoFundMe well this is more like GoFindMe.

Firstly you need to download the GoGain App to your phone or iPad. That is easy and FREE.

Then you need to download a GoGain Course for your area.

If there isn't one nearby you can create your own, or we can try to create one for you.

The course will show up in the App as a Map with various locations highlighted. Each location will have a points value.

There are several ways you can play the course:
1) You can try to visit all the locations in the shortest possible time.
2) You can give your self a set time to collect as many points as possible.
3) You can try to visit all the locations by covering the shortest possible distance.

The App will record your visit to each location and keep track of the time and distance travelled.

You can then upload your results to our website where you can compare yourself with other GoGainers.

GoGain is FREE and available for Android, iPhone and iPad. All of the courses are Free to download.

   GoGain App   GoGain on the Play Store

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