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How to improve your sense of direction - BBC Future

I want to say thanks to the person from Germany who got some of my designs: I hope you enjoy them!

Drizzly but not too cold for some winter in New England.

9-10: dead reckon or follow the trails (I chose the former and that rocky slope was a little more exciting than I expected. Would the trail north have been better Who knows)

To be clear: picture is not from the 10th leg!

Maybe it is time to reveal that there will be something BIG for Control app this year. Probably summer. So big that I will bump the version numbers to 4.0 on iOS and 2.0 on Android. But not going to tell you just yet what. Also there will be a first proper public beta since the app launched back in the day. Stay tuned...

Orienteering Plus

Cautionary Tales of

Episode 4 8 16 Well, anyway

The scale on the map is important. Unless you *like* running right by an interesting feature without realizing its your next control. And then spending 10 minutes wondering what the hell is going on.

First time Ive tried truly winter . Slow but fun* and wonderfully peaceful.

Did not encounter any friendly talking beavers or Jesus-lions. But other than that, five stars, would recommend.

* Well, ok, it was more fun when I paid attention to the scale of the map. But that was just me being stupid, nothing to do with winter.

A great story on orienteering and spatial memory and its connection to success in STEM disciplines:

More pics from Beacon Hill today. The thick mist was fantastic challenge in the early morning, but it lifted to sunshine.

Favourite control site hung ready for league race tomorrow morning. It's not even hidden by brambles. Enjoy ) (Several more to do before sunrise).

The route comparison feature in starts to take form. Select any control-control interval and swipe left/right to compare. There are some small issues still but I think this is close to a release!

The kind of objects I take home from the when I go off the tracks. Reminder that is an environmental and responsible sport, and we won't save nature by alienating people from it and putting unnecessary restrictions on access. Time spent on meaningful activities in one's surroundings is time lost to overconsumption.

Ik vind het verbazend dat kaartlezen en kompas gebruiken tegenwoordig wordt voorgesteld als een haast bovennatuurlijke vaardigheid waar je twintig doctoraten voor moet behaald hebben. Terwijl we dat vroeger als kind gewoon bij de scouts leerden en nadien perfectioneerden tijdens de legerdienst.

50 years ago today I took part in my first event in a horrible bramble jungle in Somerset. The event was put on by Millfield School and IIRC they timed us with Smiths lab clocks. Tonight I did one of night Maprun courses at Prestonfield. Fell over and probably ended up as muddy as I did in 1974. No blood lost this time though. I feel sooooo old.

Lovely course racing the Robin Hood trophy today at Sherwood, reminded me of my first time here as an M19 in the mid 90s, when I ran bunch further, but in less time. My knees are going to give it what-for all week now.

A little disappointed by this training material from Sisu idrottsbcker. Cover looks as if there were map and control description on one card and photo on the other. In fact, there is no photo at all, unlike in the karttecken memory. That makes it too abstract and less interesting in my mind.

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Still stuck with the route compare feature. But there is slow progress! You can view separate control intervals with two tracks side-by-side like this. Very much inspired by Livelox Duel.

Tried again in Santander, it was great.

Work on route comparison feature continues. Now I can layout two separate routes on top of my custom image. Next up, the UI to make the actual analysis... Also, the routes are a bit off but I think I need to let the user do the final adjustments in this case.

Balmaha 1976 J.A.T. Richards
Note there is no path on Conic Hill. That appeared with the West Highland Way. .


A nice day for some simple

Pro tip for : if your coach says: "In this special type of training you get an ordinary map but the controls can be either correct, missing or in the wrong place," do not ask "so what is special about the training"

Today was my first experience of a Snooker O event! Such a (tiring) amount of fun.

After the cancellation of my forest event in January, I have turned my eye to the next event I am planning, a street event. Just did a 10km jog with the dog to check the map - lots of juicy cut throughs.

Common 1977.
Dave Trulcok . Used for the British Relay Championships and printed on Tyvek, the stuff used for scene of crime suits and house walls.

Frustratingly the event I was planning in early January has been cancelled as permissions have been declined Spent 4 hours this afternoon collecting in all the tape marking the control sites.

Cold and wet

Ddi aux potos de la

Nice day to train

in Massachusetts on a rainy December day and you encounter this. Do you think

(A) Let's face it, Mr. Frodo, we're lost. I don't think Gandalf meant for us to come this way.

(B) Well, I'm not saying I'd like to build a summer home here, but the trees are actually quite lovely.


- rimmisen epilyttv.

And the second loop from todays

Todays - first loop

2nd in the provisional results for todays event, albeit with a lower number of entries. It was a number of small grotty woods, and I do well forcing through that kind of terrain with power / stupidity!

A fantastic, albeit cold, morning marking out control sites for the event I am planning in January.

I ran the RunLawrence 5K this morning. Before the race I drew a simple street course and brought the map along for the run.